Sign This Petition to Stop Euthanasia in NSW

14 February 2022

1.4 MINS

Euthanasia is set to be debated in NSW in the next few months. Please sign and share this petition to tell the state’s upper house that we value life and want to see the vulnerable protected.

We need your help. Within months, euthanasia will be debated in the NSW Legislative Council. A petition has been set up to opposed the passage of the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2021 with the support of LC member Greg Donnelly — and we need as many people as possible to sign it.

Over 100,000 Signatures Needed

So far, just over 7,000 signatures have been collected. This may sound like an impressive number, but last year, those supporting euthanasia last year mustered 100,000 signatures for their cause. We have to beat that number — and by a long shot — if we have a chance of seeing this legislation defeated.

Titled ‘Please unanimously reject the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2021’, the petition reads:

To the President and Members of the Legislative Council, the petitioners of New South Wales state that that they are completely opposed to the passage of the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2021, in any form, which provides for state sanctioned/funded assisted suicide/euthanasia.

A cornerstone of our legal system is that ALL human life has inherent value and must be treated with dignity and respect. The petitioners request that the House unanimously oppose the bill, in any form, and reject it.

You can sign the petition here.

Share the Petition with Friends and Family

We urge you to not only sign the petition, but circulate it among your friends and family, and anyone else you know who is a supporter of life and protection for the vulnerable. Please note that signees are required to declare that they are residents of NSW.

Former Prime Minister Paul Keating said of euthanasia, “Once termination of life is authorised the threshold is crossed. From that point it is much easier to liberalise the conditions governing the law. And liberalised they will be.” His words remain true today.

The petition closes on 25th April, 2022. That date may be still a few months away, but in truth, we will need to work hard to collect enough signatures in that time. Your help with this goal is greatly appreciated.

Image by Unsplash.

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