Day 17: Mercy, Not Judgement
That we might receive mercy, not judgment.
“The Lord is merciful and gracious,
slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.
He will not always accuse,
nor will he keep his anger forever.
He does not deal with us according to our sins
nor repay us according to our iniquities.”
— Psalm 103:8-10
Also: (Numbers 14:18, Exodus 34:6-7, Psalm 86:11)
When we ask for mercy, we are asking for something we do not deserve. We qualify for mercy, not because we are good enough but because we aren’t good enough. We haven’t passed the test; we haven’t made the grade. We have missed the mark; we have fallen short, and we know it.
As a nation, we ask for mercy.
In confessing this, we are humbling ourselves; we are acknowledging the truth about ourselves to ourselves and to God. For some reason (one that we find hard to explain to ourselves), our failure — our need — makes us attractive to Him.
We qualify for mercy by admitting that we have failed and are in need of His grace.
Our Father delights in our honesty. He delights when we see for ourselves how much we need Him. There is something in Him that cannot help but respond with kindness. He extends mercy because that is His nature.
That’s who He is.
His loving gaze is always on the lookout for the distressed child. Our misery attracts Him. This seems strange to us. But, then again, as parents, does not the misery of one of our own children attract our attention?
Mercy means that we don’t get what we deserve — that is, we don’t receive punishment.
Grace, on the other hand, is getting what we do not deserve.
By grace, we receive another chance.
As a nation, we need mercy and grace.
Because You give grace to the humble, we humble ourselves. We confess that we as Christians have failed in our witness to You.
Many who need You do not seek You because of us. We are divided in what we say. We have set up opposing camps. We have obscured the Cross. We have not loved one another. We have not loved You. We have carried into law many things that offend You. We have been more sensitive to offending men than we have been sensitive to offending You. We have not feared You, revered You, nor have we walked in Your ways.
We as Christians have allowed ourselves to be influenced by the voice of the spirit of the world more than by Your Holy Spirit.
We repent. We turn to You again, confident that You will lead us. Have mercy on us. Do not give us what we deserve, but instead, grant us Your grace.
Author Bio
Christopher Noone is the moderator of Bread of Life Fellowship, a Charismatic Catholic association within the Servants of Jesus Ecumenical Covenant Community. Servants of Jesus is a community that seeks to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the person and work of the Holy Spirit locally, nationally, and internationally, and through the living of Christian Community that is evangelical, ecumenical, charismatic, covenant-keeping, and multi-generational.
21 Days Prayer Points
- Pray that God would rule over this election, that righteous leaders would be elected to govern this nation in truth and justice because, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice.” Proverbs 29:2
- Pray God’s blessing upon all our current parliamentarians and leaders, including their families and all the candidates of all the parties standing for this federal election. 1 Timothy 2:1-3
- Pray for a multiplication of prayer and unity across the Body of Christ in Australia, that people will wake up to the dangers facing our nation and respond in prayer. Ephesians 5:14
- Pray for a Revival for Australia, Spiritual Awakening and Transformation for our nation, and the proclamation of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. John 3:16
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- DATES: Every night for the month of May
- ZOOM MEETING ID: 776881184
Daily devotions brought to you by the Canberra Declaration.
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