1 January 2025
The history of the Shepherd's Field, from its Old Testament origins with Ruth and Boaz to its visitation by angels at the birth of Jesus, is a reminder of God's sovereign plans for our lives.
26 December 2024
3.7 MINS
For believers today, the story of Hanukkah carries a powerful message of standing firm in the face of persecution.
30 October 2024
20.9 MINS
Can you believe that we are the generation that will see Jesus’ return?! We ARE in the end times. So if we are in the last days, it makes sense to know exactly what our Master said.
14 October 2024
6.9 MINS
A Sukkah is a temporary dwelling similar to a gazebo, and Sukkot is the plural word. God came to dwell or “tabernacle” amongst us in Yeshua, and He will again “tabernacle” with us during His 1,000-year reign on Earth.
1 October 2024
13.5 MINS
Have the "last days" already begun? The answer is YES! This can be confirmed by the signs Jesus told us about. And if we are that close to the end times, it makes sense to know exactly what our Master said: to be alert, prepared and ready.
1 August 2024
4.6 MINS
Genesis 43-50 records Joseph weeping eight times. I was struck by how dominant the theme of ‘weeping’ was in Joseph’s life. Obviously, he experienced more grief than most. But it’s worth considering each of the instances where Scripture records Joseph as weeping.
2 July 2024
4.6 MINS
Jews are turning to the hope of Israel, Jesus Christ. One ministry has received 1,230 Israeli orders for New Testaments in Hebrew since the October 7 attack.
10 June 2024
6.8 MINS
Those seeking God and pressing in on Him will sometimes go through a period where it seems like God is silent, or has turned on them, or no longer cares about them. But God is faithfully looking after His own, and this dark spell is temporary, used to draw us even closer to Himself.
4 June 2024
4.6 MINS
In the name of free speech and academic license, woke ideology has infected our universities' hierarchies. This explains why violent and disruptive protests in support of the terror organisation Hamas meet with very little resistance.
22 April 2024
3.9 MINS
Supporting Israel does not mean supporting everything the government of Israel does. What it does mean is supporting the nation of Israel’s right to exist.
28 March 2024
63.2 MINS
What actually happened to Jesus? The eyewitness reports from the Bible portray an incredible unfolding of terrible events. All four accounts from the Bible have been carefully combined to show you what happened in Jerusalem about 2000 years ago. This, then, is the story.
27 March 2024
3.2 MINS
When I read the article "Scientists Just Captured the Flash of Light When a Sperm Meets an Egg", it occurred to me that God is giving us an object lesson about when life begins, and how He is involved in a person’s life right from conception.
13 February 2024
4.7 MINS
When Jesus came to Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples this question: “What are the people saying about Me, the Son of Man? Who do they believe that I am?”
25 December 2023
3.1 MINS
We celebrate Christmas with our churches, family and friends – a joyous respite from a world suffering wars and cultural conflicts, and adrift from its divine Creator.
8 December 2023
The current crisis in the land of Israel affects us all in different ways. Most of us in the West are shocked and even traumatised by the evil and brutality which occurred on 7 October 2023, which can only be described as a demonically inspired massacre.
6 December 2023
3.1 MINS
After writing the foreword for 'Jesus: The Centre of It All', I interviewed Warwick Marsh, one of the co-authors, about the book's message.
30 November 2023
2.5 MINS
Handel's Messiah is a staple of the Christmas season. But do you know how this beloved musical masterpiece came about?
15 September 2023
6.7 MINS
How would you like to be in a service where a trumpet is blasted 100 times? Well, this is what happens at the Feast of Trumpets.
10 July 2023
5.7 MINS
Josh Timonen reveals his long journey from Dawkins to Jesus. Richard Dawkins is the world’s most famous atheist. During my university days, students were recommended Dawkins’ books. I distinctly remember seeing my peers reading Dawkins’ 2006 title The God Delusion – which has sold more [...]
26 June 2023
7.5 MINS
Some incisive and comforting thoughts from Keller. New York pastor Tim Keller died recently following a lengthy battle with cancer. He not only knew about suffering in a very personal way, but as a minister of the Gospel, he dealt with countless individuals who struggled [...]