
Albo is Refusing Accountability

Albo keeps insisting to anyone who’ll listen that he’s the Prime Minister, but he keeps refusing to do the job of a Prime Minister.

I guess the tennis isn’t on because finally the Prime Minister has made it back out to Alice Springs.

He’s announcing yet another big money government package but of course you and I know, lack of money isn’t the problem.

It’s what’s happening with the funding and programs that already exist.

Last year during the crisis of crime in Alice, the government announced a $250 million package to help after his visit.

But that didn’t stop the riots we saw just a few weeks ago.

So now he’s showing up to announce another $20 million.

That means the government is now spending some $320 million on programs in central Australia but we’re still seeing violence, we’re still seeing school attendance down, and we’re still seeing riots and destruction.

It’s not a pretty picture and even though the PM has shown up to visit, there’s still no evidence he gets it.

Audit What Albo is Spending

Both the Mayor of Alice Springs, Matt Patterson, and the independent Member for Araluen, Robyn Lambley, have called for an audit of where this money is going, and they’ve both been ignored by the PM.

As Mayor Patterson said:

“Mr Albanese should really consider an audit of the Indigenous service providers he is funding, to hold them accountable because we are spending millions and millions of dollars and we are not getting any outcomes.”

And Robyn Lambley goes further:

“We all know this isn’t an easy fix, but when you come in and you slap a bit of money on the table, let’s see where it’s going, and let’s make sure that things are being delivered to make a difference. Because in another 30 years time, I suspect we’ll still be talking about the same problems if there’s not greater accountability for every dollar that’s spent in this space.”

The fact is: we need to know where the money is going. Where are the outcomes and where is the accountability? If we don’t know, nothing will change.

But dodging accountability is standard operating procedure for this Prime Minister.

Albo at the Women’s Rally

I’m sure you saw the awkward and troubling footage of the Prime Minister attending the women’s rally over the weekend.

While he’s tried to avoid talking about it, there’s no question he arrogantly upset the rally organisers and made himself the story, rather than the important issue of domestic violence.

But the bigger irony is that, just as he arrogantly said to the organisers, he is the Prime Minister and he’s the person who can actually deal with the issue of domestic violence.

Instead, he decided to throw a tantrum about not being able to speak.

He keeps insisting to anyone who’ll listen that he’s the Prime Minister, but he keeps refusing to do the job of a Prime Minister.

It’s cowardly and I’m not going to relent in holding him accountable.

It’s time for REAL solutions.

Not just another media opportunity from a PM who refuses to do his job.


Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

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One Comment

  1. Stephen Lewin 6 May 2024 at 9:36 am - Reply

    well said Jacinta is groundhog day in Alice Springs many organisations remain unaccountable and not doing enough with the largesse ..some without audits for many years ..thank you for keeping up the pressure on leaders for positive change to happen believing for this to happen this year

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