PM on terror attack

PM Albanese on Last Night’s Terror Attack at a Church in Sydney

16 April 2024

4.2 MINS

The PM doesn’t get it. And so Christians will never be safe while his government is (barely) in charge.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has taken time out from undermining Israel to comment on last night’s terror attack in Western Sydney.

Police were called to the Assyrian Orthodox church in Wakely about 7.10 p.m. last night after Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel was repeatedly stabbed as he delivered a sermon.

The alleged attacker was heard to say:

“If they didn’t insult my prophet, I wouldn’t have come here. If he didn’t involve himself in my religion, I would not have come here.”

At least now we know why we desperately need hate speech laws. After all, if no one is allowed to criticise Islam, no one will be stabbed! I digress.


Police officially declared the incident a terror attack at 1.35 a.m. Why did it take them so long? Everyone else knew it was motivated by Islam at 7.11 p.m.

Well, don’t forget, we’re dealing with NSW police who require many weeks, not to mention expert advice, to work out whether they heard people say “gas the Jews” or “good evening to youse”.

So there was that.

The Prime Minister tweeted:

“I have been briefed by the AFP and our security agencies regarding the shocking incident at Wakeley’s Christ the Good Shepherd Church.”

Wow. A priest is repeatedly stabbed in a place of worship, and that’s the tweet? I’m glad Mr Albanese didn’t over-exert himself on that one.

He later added:

“As police continue their investigations, Australians are thinking of those who have been injured, the first responders who rushed to help and the police who worked to restore order. In testing times, Australians stand together.”

With respect, the PM hasn’t a clue what Australians are thinking. (Didn’t the October 14 Voice referendum prove that?)

Most Australians are thinking, how is it that we have become a nation in which churchmen are not safe reading from a Bible in a place of worship?

Most are thinking: this Labor government’s diversity fetish has made our nation more dangerous!

The PM later held a press conference at which he said,

“This is a disturbing incident.”


When you are stabbed multiple times in the face for critiquing Islam, that is disturbing.

“There is no place for violence in our community. There’s no place for violent extremism. We’re a peace-loving nation.”

It’s true. We are a peace-loving nation.

So why is the government intent on importing more and more people whose worldview is shaped by a violent ideology?


The PM was asked what he could do to reassure an anxious public:

“Part of us standing up here is to reassure the public that the authorities are doing their work.”

Hmmm. Just on that, NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb seemed far more upset by the reaction to the terror attack than by the attack itself.

She issued a stern warning to people who rioted outside Christ the Good Shepherd Church following the stabbing of their priest, declaring:

“We will find you and we will come and arrest you.”

There is no excuse for people, no matter how upset, damaging police vehicles. But Commissioner Karen might try reading the room.

For six months, the people of Sydney have had to listen to Islamic leaders give thinly veiled death threats to Jews while police claimed they were unable to do anything.

So when an Islamic jihadist stabs a churchman in the face as he delivers a Monday night liturgy, is it really so surprising people are outraged?

Commissioner Karen would be much better off finding and arresting all those who are facilitating and importing hostile people and ideologies into Australia with no electoral mandate to do so!

Police today stationed officers outside mosques to prevent tit-for-tat violence. Hmm… watch how quickly the real danger becomes Islamophobia. We’ve been down this street many times before.


The Prime Minister was asked at today’s press conference about videos of the attack being circulated on social media.

Bearing in mind that the attack happened during a church service that was live-streamed, footage of the attack went around the world in real time.

The PM said he was very concerned about “publication of videos that can be very harmful, particularly for younger people.”

He said he had spoken with the Communications Minister and the e-Safety Commissioner and that,

“We continue to work with the E-Safety Commissioner to use whatever powers are at our disposal to demand that material be taken down.”

Of course! We can’t have actual evidence of what Islamic jihadis do to Christian ministers accessible on the internet. Someone might get the wrong idea about Islamic jihadis!

The PM was asked if multiculturalism was a threat to harmony in this country. He replied:

“It’s vital to stress what unites us.”

Which I suppose explains why Labor and the Greens attempt, at every turn, to undermine Australia Day.

It also explains their black armband view of Australian history, where British colonisation is viewed as an evil and our society is portrayed as inherently racist.

So uniting.


A journalist asked if there was anything the priest might have said that triggered the attack. After all, the attacker did say that he wouldn’t have been there had the priest not insulted Muhammad.

Peace be upon him.

(I add that last part as a sop to knife-happy jihadists who are moved to murder in order to protect Islam’s hard-won reputation as a religion of peace)

Does it matter what the minister said? Really?

Would the journalist ask what a rape victim was wearing?

Here’s a tip for the journalist. Islam, which arrived more than 600 years AFTER Jesus and which denies the divinity of Jesus, is an anti-Christ religion. Muhammad is a prophet only in the sense that he is a false prophet.

Every Christian knows this. Should they now avoid saying it in Australia for fear of being murdered?

The PM was asked what comfort he could give to Christians.

His response was interesting:

“To the Assyrian community in particular, my heart goes out to you today. We will come through this. This (group) is a great contributor to the community in Western Sydney. These are difficult times.”

Er, this was not an attack on the Assyrian community. It was an attack on Christians.

The PM doesn’t get it. He’s never got it. I don’t think he wants to get it.

Christians in this country are not safe while Anthony Albanese and his government are (barely) in charge.


Originally published at The James Macpherson Report.

Subscribe to his Substack here for daily witty commentary.


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  1. Warwick Marsh 16 April 2024 at 4:08 pm - Reply

    a shocking but very true article!!!!!

  2. Koori Col 16 April 2024 at 7:32 pm - Reply

    Religion has killed more people than dis-ease!

    • Pauline Tondl 17 April 2024 at 4:44 pm - Reply

      Religion does NOT kill people.
      “Religion” is basically a set of ideas from which an agreed (mostly moral) framework of behaviour is worked out.
      That framework doesn’t actually kill anyone … because …
      It’s PEOPLE who kill people.
      A person might say a certain ideology moved them to kill someone, but the ideology didn’t kill anyone.
      A PERSON did it.

      Killing a person is WRONG because the eternal living God, who created living people, has said it is wrong.
      Killing a person takes away (destroys) their God-given LIFE.

      God has said : You shall not kill.

      WHY does God say that killing a person is wrong ?
      Because the LIVING GOD created humans in His own image, to LIVE in relationship to Him and each other.
      To abuse/destroy someone who bears the image of the living God, is to gravely insult (even to deny or reject) the holiness, righteous authority and goodness of God our living Creator.
      (Accidental and premeditated killing require a separate discussion.)

      So, religion is NOT the basic problem.
      The problem is that people disobey God’s Law. Read Exodus 20 : Ten Commandments.

      Disobeying God’s Law is SIN.
      Sin is transgression of (acting against, or breaking) God’s Law. Read 1 John 3:4

      People who are sinners (those who break God’s Law = reject God’s authority) are the ones who DO the killing of other people.

      God will one day require EVERYONE to explain to Him what they have DONE in their life – ALL of it – according to His Law. Whether they have killed anyone or not. Everything will be accounted for.
      Dear reader, have YOU disobeyed God’s Law ? – ANY of it ??
      Are YOU a sinner ?

      UNrepentant sinners will have to pay the wages that their own sin has earned : death.
      The wages of sin is death. Romans 623(a)

      REPENTANT sinners (those who genuinely admit their guilt, and turn from it to God in remorse and godly sorrow, and seek His mercy, forgiveness and grace) will be completely forgiven and restored to the life of loving relationship with God that He created them for, because :
      … the GIFT of God is ETERNAL LIFE in Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour. Romans 6:23(b)

      Jesus Christ began His ministry with these words : The time has come; the kingdom of God is at hand. REPENT and BELIEVE the good news (= the Gospel).

      Here’s the Good News :
      For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only beloved Son, so that WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM shall not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

      By the way, eternal life starts at saving faith in Christ Jesus (the Saviour of sinners : read 1 Timothy 1:15)
      You don’t have to wait until you “die” physically, to enter into eternal life :
      Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, WHOEVER HEARS My word and BELIEVES Him who sent Me HAS ETERNAL LIFE and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life.” … Read John 5:24

      While you have breath in your body, you can do eternal business with God, on His terms, through trusting in Jesus Christ as your Saviour.
      Why wait ?

      • Warwick Marsh 17 April 2024 at 9:46 pm - Reply

        Dear Pauline- Beautiful wisdom!!! You should be writing articles for the Daily Declaration!

  3. Stephen Lewin 18 April 2024 at 4:20 am - Reply

    A very good write up on the lack of good leadership by our PM , in particular this past six months and even more so in past few weeks and again this past week, in regard to Israel , terror attacks in Sydney , and now this terrorism inflicted upon this Christian Bishop while preaching in the Assyrian church. This Bishop has been one who stood up to health tyranny being inflicted upon the people of Australia , and was part of a small group of Christian leaders in Sydney that challenged the NSW government as they were about to impose segregation on churches through mandates planned in late 2021 . These mandates against the church were not imposed , though most other mandates were. His intervention through prayer and pleading the case for the Church in NSW was heard . This wonderful Bishop and the leaders both government and church need our prayers as per 1 Timothy 2 verses 1 to 8

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