Norman & Barbara Miller

Together with her husband Norman, Barbara planted the Tabernacle of David, a church in Cairns in 1996. A year later, Barbara and Norman also founded the parachurch Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace. Barbara and Norman helped launch the Canberra Declaration and the National Day of Prayer and Fasting. They have also led a number of prayer events for Australia Day and conferences in many Australian cities.

Norman is an Aboriginal artist with his own gallery. He is of the Jirrbal, Bar-Barrum and Tableland Yidinji peoples of north Queensland. His book “Reef and Rainforest” won third prize in the IPPY awards in Chicago in 2016 for multicultural non-fiction. Norman has campaigned for recognition of Indigenous people in the Constitution, and handed the “Miller Boomerang Petition” to Federal Parliament in 2013 and 2016, which collected over 5,000 signatures.

Barbara is also the author of several books, most of them on Australian history and biography, including one about a 100-year-old Holocaust survivor. Barbara was a finalist in the main prize of the Queensland Literary Awards 2018 for her memoir “White Woman Black Heart: Journey Home to Old Mapoon, a Memoir.”

Articles by Norman & Barbara Miller:

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